You are what you eat. So don’t eat fast, cheap, easy, and fake.


Nutritional Consulting

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

~Warren Buffet

Are you so busy prioritizing other people and responsibilities in your life that you stopped listening to your body and forget to take care of your own needs? Over time, putting our own needs aside can lead to poor diet and lifestyle choices that drain our energy and lead to a myriad of chronic health conditions. Are you resigned to living with headaches, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, poor sleep, weak digestion & poor elimination? Diet and lifestyle factors play a key role in health and vitality. What you choose to eat impacts every aspect of your health, not just your waistline. A personalized nutrition and wellness program is a deep dive to discover how you can feel and look your best at any age. Your body is sending you signals that it needs your attention. Are you listening?

Let me guide you with easy tips and tools to help you reset your body to be, feel and look your best now. Start a personalized wellness program with your personal nutrition consultant, expert health coach & professional chef today.



“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

~R. Collier

Do you find yourself habitually snacking on junk foods that leave you feeling lethargic and filled with regret? Delicious, nutrient-dense, organic, VITALITY COOKIES are a quick, high protein breakfast or on-the-go energy boosting snack. Order now and redefine your snacks!

Sample and purchase Vitality Cookies at East Bay Farmers Markets:

Sundays @ Livermore

Fridays @ Old Oakland

“Donna taught me so much about cooking quick, healthy & nutritious meals!”

—Rebecca N.

Book a free 30 minute consult to see if eating4vitality is right for you.